The global maker movement is transforming business and industry in unprecedented ways. Maker Pro brings together advanced manufacturing industry leaders with young creators and pioneers who are transforming the way products are conceived and made. From the 21st to the 23rd of June business as usual meets cutting edge makers in a one of a kind event at Fira Barcelona IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions.Three days of exhibitions, workshops, talks panels and exchange.
Barcelona has been a forerunner and key player in the development of the Maker movement and Fab Lab Network worldwide.
The home of the first Fab Lab in Europe, the Fab City Research Project and host of a rich innovation ecosystem. Maker Pro invites you to experience first hand the technologies being used by people across nearly one thousand Fab Labs around the globe, an open door to the worldwide digital fabrication laboratory network right at IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions Fira Barcelona.
At the Fab Lab IN3D workshops and activities will be conducted by the local spaces that compose the digital fabrication network in Barcelona, including: Fab Labs, Maker Spaces, Universities, business and Fab Cafe.
Through the Fab Lab IN(3D)USTRY, Maker Pro becomes a space to experience
The maker movement through direct interaction with its main representatives, bringing together practitioners, experts and creators for three days of intense showcasing of projects that have been conceived using advanced manufacturing technologies, collaborative processes and open source philosophy.