OpenKnit OS Digital Knitting

OpenKnit Open Source Digital Knitting


OpenKnit is an open-source, low cost, digital fabrication tool that affords the user the opportunity to create his own bespoke clothing from digital files. Starting from the raw material, the yarn, and straight to its end use, a sweater for example, in about an hour. Designing and producing clothes digitally and wearing them can now happen in the very same place, rewarding the user with the ability to make decisions regarding creativity and responsibility.

24,516 thoughts on “OpenKnit OS Digital Knitting

  1. ¿Alguien se recuerda aquí del “Tubito Canprolac”? Eso no era más que la leche condensada Canprolac que se expendía en tubo (como la Nucita y la Ovomaltina “para untar”).Otra golosina en tubo era el dulce de leche Bufito (no era arequipe porque era más oscuro) y era hecho con leche de búfala.

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  4. What do the press say Monsanto have been up to? I hold no special brief for Monsanto, but it would be interesting to try to understand what they've done that can only be remedied by abolishing biotech patents.

  5. Hallo Simon,super Tutorial – das erleichtert den Einstieg sehr. Ich habe mit Erfolg dein Feed-Post Tutorial umgesetzt. Leider funktioniert das Event Posten nicht. Scope wurde richtig definiert und die Erstellung liefert “Success”. Wenn ich das Script aufrufe wird jedoch kein Event gepostet, hast du vielleicht eine Idee wo das Problem liegen könnte?Vielen Dank schon mal.Markus

  6. Googled “Wes Anderson not funny” after watching Moonrise Kingdom and found your article — thank you. I can see how people enjoy his movies’ characters and settings, but I think the humour is more of a quiet chuckle, not uproarious laughter. Definitely some wankery from wannabe critics who rave about Anderson’s comedic skill. The emperor has no clothes.

  7. Efectivamente dan ganas de decir: !Ay señor, señor, qué hemos hecho para merecer a estos tipos pequeños, sin estatura intelectual, sin mínimo sentido de la ética… sí que hemos hecho para merecer la existencia de esos piojos tertulianos…Ahora bien, quién sabe a que señor estamos encomendado nuestra alma… Podrían ser los señores del olimpo… siempre son más simpático y además seguro que son también más reales, no crees?Besos

  8. Monkey – “Ask around; do you anyone who is really PROUD to be a Catholic?” You left out the word “KNOW”, that’s your problem – you must not KNOW anything to make a stupid statement like that! To make a remark that demeans someone else’s religion is really sad statement on your upbringing and shows a lack of understanding and why secularists have no compassion for anything except their point of view!

  9. The Lakers can stay cOmplacent and still win the season by waiting for fallouts. The veterans that are potential amnesties want to sign with us are hindered by other teams’ ability to claim them but we have to keep the right attitude to entice guys like Rashard Lewis to inject offense to our bench.Though lowkey, its a much more high reward move than trading laterally.

  10. Romans 1:22-25 Professing to be wise they became fools. 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for and image in the form of corruptible man and of birds (Moloch) and four footed animals (Mnevis bull) and crawling creatures (serpent/Amaru/Moloch/Kukulcan. 24 Therefore God gave them over to the lusts of their hearts to impurity,that their bodies might be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie,and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator,who is blessed forever. Amen, Jesus Christ is Lord,letthetruthbeknown. com/planetxtube. com

  11. Prezada Daiane,Obrigada por acessar nosso site!Infelizmente a linha recosntrutora não conta com a mostras. Existe alguma outra linha que você tenha interesse em receber amostras?Nos envie seu endereço por favor, podemos enviar outras amostras!Obrigada!

  12. Anna W. pisze:Cóż mogÄ™ dodać, gdy wszystko zostaÅ‚o powiedziane…:)W tym miejscu pragnÄ™ serdecznie podziÄ™kować pomysÅ‚odawcom, autorom, oraz wszystkim tym, którzy swojÄ… pracÄ… i zaangażowaniem przyczynili siÄ™ do powstania tego wspaniaÅ‚ego Portalu. To dziÄ™ki ZakopaneForum oraz ZakopanePortal, tatrzaÅ„ski Å›wiat wydaje siÄ™ być jeszcze bliższy memu sercu. DZIĘKUJĘ !!!

  13. Sono stato li poco fa e sono andato via esasperato dal clima di maleducazione ed incivilismo che ha contraddistinto le ultime fasi del dibattito.Io mi ritengo offesso da certi comportamente rivolti alla mia persona che niente hanno di democratico.Andandomene ho definito al 2.57.32 del video un ora dell'odio Orweliana nei confronti di attivissimo e nei confronti di chi ( purtroppo pochi ) erano venuti ad ascoltare con senso critico e pensiero scentifico

  14. om vådaskott vid ett förband görs av förbandschef till personalansvarsnämnden. Även i detta fall är det således personalansvarsnämnden, inte militärpolisen, som beslutar om anmälan till polis- och åklagarmyndigheterna. Någon ändring av dessa rutiner har inte skett." Är inte detta med sanningen överenstämmande?Jag har tidigare sagt att jag anat ugglor i den här mossen och det verkar mer och mer som jag hade rätt.Vad är så speciellt med detta fall av vådaskott?Teaterdirektören.

  15. To quote a comment from the linked site…“phony gold, phony loans, phony documents, phony derivatives, phony accounting. The whole thing is built on a web of lies.”Fascinating article. Thx for linking.

  16. The best modern medications are benzodiazipines. Barbiturates are rarely used today because they’re more dangerous (I’ve never tried any barbiturate, so I can’t say if they’re better than benzos). Use a long-acting one like clonazepam for general anxiety or a short-acting one for panic attacks. I’d avoid SSRIs like Paxil or Lexapro (or worse, a tricyclic like amitriptyline!) for anxiety because they’re for depression. They might happen to relieve anxiety too, but they’re junk. Benzos are addictive so you’ll need to go off them slowly.

  17. Thanks for expressing your ideas. I would also like to say that video games have been at any time evolving. Technology advances and improvements have helped create authentic and fun games. These kinds of entertainment games were not as sensible when the concept was being tried. Just like other areas of know-how, video games also have had to grow as a result of many decades. This is testimony for the fast growth of video games.

  18. Karim seriously when you tell man to STFU I would tell you to do the same.Your pre- disposition to knowing everything shows your lack of concern for men.This may get you laid but is completely absurd as it takes two ppl to conceive a baby asshole. Most forms of contraception in the USA are damn near free through social services not to mention High School condom give aways.When you loose a child to an abortion feel free to comment,cool?

  19. Sagt man im Normalbetrieb etwas gegen Kernkraft, heißt es: “Was wollt ihr denn, unserer KKWs sind die sichersten und wie man sieht, läuft alles problemlos!”Sagt man im Katastrophenfall etwas gegen Kernkraft, heißt es: “Ihr instrumentalisiert die Opfer der Katastrophe!”Also wann darf man sich denn nun kritisch zur Kernkraft äußern?

  20. REV–It was – the media certainly set him up in every way possible. But DD’s comments coming in later just proves further of what I said on here though. Not sure if you heard him vent about the contest and the props. Thursday evenings I can make happen… were you thinking earlier in the evening though? I can always flex my schedule some most nights I would think.

  21. will be up to the US District Court Judge in Mississippi to decide the relevance or lack of relevance of Dr. Onaka's Letter of Verification.We all now know that Dr. Onaka's first Letter of Verification was accepted by Arizona Secretary of State Kenneth Bennett as meeting his needs.It should be noted that both Loretta Fuddy, Hawai'i Director of Health and Alvin Onaka, Hawai'i Registrar of Vital Statistics are named as co-defendants in Taitz v Mississippi Democratic Party Executive Committee, they will be deposed or have to testify if this lawsuit survives the defense's Motion for Judgement on the Pleadings.

  22. Oka so me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3yrs now we have a 9month old together we have been on out own since I was 17 and he has gotten me a promise ring we have always talked ab gettin married went the time was right and I think the time has came !! He is gone to NY or two weeks and I wanna surpirse him wit a ring when he gets back is tht a stupid idea or wat ?? I really wanna marry the guy I love him how do I do it !!!

  23. Mar10Gustav Erikson Måste bara inflika att hög kötthalt inte är synonymt med kvalitet. Fläskkött ger en högre kötthalt än nötkött och upp till 30% fett får räkna som kött enligt beräkningsreglerna.Så en falukorv som deklarerar 55% kötthalt kan få nästan 70% om man bara ändrar köttsammansättningen lite. Generellt ger fetare kött högre kötthalt och magrare kött lägre kötthalt. Så ja, vad skall man säga. Kötthalt hänger inte ihop med kvalitet.

  24. uite am transferat aici comment-ul ca e mai noua postarea si poate si altii se intreaba acelasi lucru. Ce calcule folosesti ca sa transformi maiaua de la o hidratare la alta?ai scris pe undeva si nu am vazut? tine si eu maiua mai densa daca zici ca se comporta mai bine la caldura.

  25. If you have Qrafter (with blue/gray icon) and you can create codes and you don’t see any ads in the app, it means you purchased the Pro Pack. If you have Qrafter Pro (with red/gray icon) it already comes with Pro Pack activated.It is impossible to add the images into the CSV file but you can mail them individually from the code generation screen.Cheers!

  26. C’est curieux tous ces excités qui crient à l’incurie des juges, on n’en voit pas beaucoup passer le concours de la magistrature.On comprends qu’ils préfèreraient voir les juges nommés par le pouvoir.C’est G.Bernard Shaw qui disait, en substance, qu’il fallait certainement confier le gouvernement aux coiffeurs et aux taxis, à en juger par leurs fréquentes remarques sur l’actualité commençant par « ah, si j’avais le pouvoir ».

  27. Ferien sind zum ausruhen, nicht zum rumseckeln Im Ernst: Wir machen ja selten Ferien an einem Ort, sondern “zigeunern” mit unserem prähistorischen Land-Rover durch die gewählte Gegend. Mit maximal 60 km/h fährt man auf Nebenstrassen und hält, wo man gerade Lust hat – manchmal auch an einem Waldrand zum Dösen, Lesen und Siesta machen. Mal schauen wie es jetzt dann mit L. geht, welche Art Ferien er gerne hat.

  28. I wonder how long it will take for Americans to wake up. Obama is a radical leftist. His wooing of Taliban, Syria, Iran and Venezuela while going after the Swiss and Hondurans is one of the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. No wonder gun sales in the U.S. are still through the roof. Already millions of people do not trust this president because they rightfully are watching what he does, not moving lips. Warning sign after warning sign gets a pass by the dead-tree media. It's outright dangerous.

  29. About the personal payment option – I never knew that they don’t deduct their fees when sent that way. Thanks for the tip!As for high shipping fees – mine usually includes insurance because of the cost my items and the difficulty in acquiring them. The buyer can opt not to have insurance but if the item is ever lost in transit, I can’t issue a refund or a send replacement. once you see my store, you’ll know why.On another note, if you ever have the time, I hope you’ll drop by my store 🙂

  30. yay for goodies in the mail! you posing w/ rilakkuma is so cute hehehe.what's this sale on target? i didn't even hear about it! i hate online shopping and they sell out right away or make me wait 20 min loading w/ no results, talk about all the anxieties that gets build up in between waiting only to be disappointed! (happens for Sephora FF every year for me haha…because everyone tries to order as soon as the clock strikes 12)

  31. Caro stefano , vedo due winners uno buono e uno cattivo. Il buono è GPII , che paragono a Bismarck che fece un grande bene ( almeno per i tedeschi ) unificando la Germania , ma ad alto prezzo , concedendo alla casta militare un potere spropositato in uno Stato moderno e sappiamo quali sciagure seguirono. Il cattivo è l’ establishment italo-vaticano ( personaggi come Sodano , Ruini per intenderci ) , che è riuscito nel suo progetto gattopardesco di cambiare tutto per non cambiare nulla. Risultato : oggi celebriamo 50 anni di un Concilio in buona misura non attuato.

  32. Szerintem pont ezek miatt a kis élmények miatt szokott rá, hogy felhívjon és lehet, előzőleg fogadásokat köt magával, hogy most mivel fogod köszönteni.Azon lepődne meg legjobban, ha simán belehallóznál és tán le is csapná, hogy téves hívás.. :)))Meddig leszel még otthon?ULAIVA

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  34. Because instead of fixing a fairly buggy viewer-counter, making sure their own fucking partners aren't whoring out their shit, or letting people use snippets, fucking snippets, of "third-party" content, they're translating YouTube bit by bit.Nice way of keeping your priorities straight, Google.

  35. A la vue du commentaire du « tunisien » un pseudo c’est fou ce qu’on peut raconter comme aneries !!SARKO L’HONNEUR DE LA FRANCE RETROUVE…..Ou vit il ce monsieur ? En france j’espère mais alors il doit vivre avec des lunettes et à la place des verres du carton !!!Ne s’est il pas rendu compte qu’il y a 75% de français contre SARKO ?Pauvre ignare

  36. I tried viewing your website on my iphone and the page layout doesnt seem to be right. Might wanna check it out on WAP as well as it seems most mobile phone layouts are not working with your web page.

  37. I’ve recently started a web site, the info you offer on this website has helped me greatly. Thanks for all of your time & work. “Americans detest all lies except lies spoken in public or printed lies.” by Edgar Watson Howe.

  38. ça a l'air bien ! je n'ai pas tous les ingrédients, du coup je peux revisiter ta recette et l'adapter à ma sauce ? je garde le miel, huile d'olive, la banane je préfère la manger lol… je n'ai pas de mélasse, je peux mettre de la glycérine végétale à la place ?pour le reste c bon :)Merci !!!

  39. Seguo da un po' il lavoro di Giulia, e sono contenta che ne parli sul tuo blog…Nel 2006 è stata tra i dieci vincitori del concorso di fumetto della Triennale di Milano e nel 2007 ha esposto al Comicon di Napoli all’interno di "Futuro Anteriore". Ha anche vinto il premio per la migliore storia breve a Fumetti in TV 2008. Ho il suo libro, ed è molto bello… ti consiglio di comprarlo! 🙂

  40. it was ok to ‘belong before you believe’ so, therefore, they welcomed doubt. They said, ‘we are a big boy church because we aren’t afraid of questions’. And that was true as long as you didn’t start calling yourself believer. Once you crossed that line from unbelief to belief, your questions and doubts were no longer welcome. ‘Big boy church’….I always laughed at that phrase.

  41. Jo, det tror jag är väsentligt. La träningen på is förra veckan. Har visserligen ett par åtaganden kvar under veckan som kommer, men verkar kunna styra "behandlingen" ganska OK. Försöka äta så mycket kolhydrater det går vid vila och äta mer (dvs mycket) kött, ägg, osv när jag behöver vara piggare samt återhämta mig.Blir sakta bättre rörande blodsockersymptomen, men långt kvar än.

  42. Dia ni chinese ke? nampak macam melayu da kan?so, balik kampung la wahai KF, mana tau rezeki semakin melimpah kat sini.. bak kata orang (dalam bhs Indonesia), RESTU TUHAN BERGANTUNG PADA RESTUNYA ORANG TUA.. kalau ko sayangkan orangtua ko, bela dia dengan baik, hormatkan dia, nescaya Tuhan akan permudahkan segala urusan ko.. (aku tatau agama dia ni ape.. so aku guna perkataan TUHAN walaupun sebenarnya rasa macam janggal sebab da biasa guna perkataan ALLAH SWT)Well-loved.

  43. I loved as much as you’ll receive carried out right here. The sketch is attractive, your authored subject matter stylish. nonetheless, you command get got an impatience over that you wish be delivering the following. unwell unquestionably come more formerly again since exactly the same nearly a lot often inside case you shield this increase.

  44. Szepyke! Ez is DM-es tubusos kézfertőtlenítő, de patikában, kozm.kellékeket árúsító üzletekben vásároltam un. eszközfertőtlenítő kendőket, ami higénikus kézfertőtlenítésre is alkalmas. Clarasept a neve, van folyékony kézmosója is. Egyébként Londonban ez hogy van, mármint az üzletekben a bevásárlókocsik, kosarak állapota?Ica

  45. Its a non-story because it doesn't fit the liberal template.The message has been sent.Blacks and other minority groups have been given a free pass to intimidate,commit violence against,and be racist towards white voters.If this had been 2 tea party members armed with a nightstick,racist insults and threats,would Holder have dropped the case?

  46. – What are you currently indicating, man? I comprehend everyones got their own opinion, but truly? Listen, your blog site is exciting. I much like the energy you place into it, particularly with the vids and the pics. But, come upon. Theres gotta be a way to point out this, a approach that doesnt allow it to be seem similar to everyone the following is stupid!

  47. buradayken yok seval şöyle eti, kaçacam onun yüzünden, sürekli benle uğraşıyor, BİR ŞEYDEN anlamıyor, yok başlıcam bunların reklam çekimlerinden diyodun nasıl oluyorda şimdi böyle yalıyosun geri dönmenin sinyallerimi bunlar ferdiiii

  48. You’re right about that. M. Lalonde admitted as much some years after the NEP devistated the west (Alberta was the worst hit, but all four western provinces were affected). What made the NEP so galling was that Ontario and Quebec were allowed to reap windfalls by exporting electricity to the US instead of being told to build lines to the east to help Atlantic Canada which was suffering from the high oil prices. Would still have had problems for PEI and Nfld, but Nova Scotia and New Brunswick would have been helped.

  49. FANTASTICO, ya era hora de empezar y liberar estas energías, para el bien de TODOS.Espero que su desarrollo no caiga en manos multinacionales y volvamos con las mismas.Suerte

  50. Yeah, I totally agree with you: friends and money don’t mix. That’s why, even when I’m strapped for cash, I am very reluctant to borrow money off a friend. I’m also very reluctant to lend big amounts of money to friends. 10 bucks is fine, but when a friend is asking to borrow a few hundred dollars, I’m not so cool with it. nothing can ruin a friendship faster than money. And the nerve of her to see you and act as if nothing had happened! You should’ve said, ‘hey what about that $400 you owe me, biatch!’

  51. Cuylaerts – Encoded URLs are only for the browser; most modern browsers automatically show URLs in their unencoded form. If a URL is not encoded on the page, it may point to a different URL on the server if the content on the page is not encoded in the same way (eg a URL in UTF-8 on a page with ISO 8859-5 content may result in an incorrect URL on the server side).–OK, but if you encode your webpage, URL, server-scripts, content in database, all, in UTF-8. Zero Problems, all working fine. Don't encode URL's. Isn't good for SEO.

  52. Congratulations! I am new to your blog. I need to check out the Twitter Tips – I am helpless and sometimes hopeless on Twitter:). I use it to follow writers and a couple of celebrities. I retweet book blogs, too. I don’t even know what a hashtag is!!!! So I look forward to reading your column.

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  54. Merci , Merci, Merci Damien pour tous ces moments de joie, de partage, de convivialité, de fête…… Merci à tous ces jeunes élèves que je n’enviais pas nécessairement et plus particulièrement celui qui tenait l’accueil toute la journée à l’extérieur, merci à toute ton équipe qui nous a fait à nouveau vivre un très grand moment d’ exception.2010 fut encore et plus encore, grâce à tous, un très grand cru !!!!Vivement 2011 !!!!

  55. Thank you very much for pointing this new “feature” of Prototype.js 1.5. How would you prevent independent prototype “add-ons” (i.e., Rico, Scriptaculous) from inadvertently using the same “method” names? By providing unique namespaces (as Prototype did), would prevent this from happening?(Please note, I would MUCH rather code like the method(s) you described above, and WILL be creating my own new methods.)

  56. It doesn't matter if the method of delivery is a burnt match scratched on tissue paper or a $3,000 electronic device – the important thing is that people are still reading. The message is important, not the medium. Long live the printed word!

  57. Anyway, what I think doesn’t matter–the judgment of the American people matters, and they didn’t choose Romney. If Romney and the Republicans want to wallow in their loss and blame everyone else but themselves, I hope they knock themselves out, and continue to move themselves along the road to irrelevance. I just wonder how long it will be before someone in the Republican Party tries to move into the world of facts instead of continuing the celebration of Cinco Deny O.

  58. “Dirk, are you familiar with the climate history of the Earth? Even hundreds of millions of years ago when the sun was substantially cooler, the Earth’s climate was often hotter than today.”And the Earth’s atmosphere was much denser than today, and contained nearly no oxygen. The comparison doesn’t hold on multiple levels. Without oxygen, there can have been no water cycle as we know it today. There were no photosynthesizing organisms.

  59. En fait, l’analyse d’OK Cupid vaut avant-tout pour des sites sociaux dédiés aux rencontres (comme Meetic par exemple). Cependant, dans la mesure où certains internautes utilisent Facebook comme d’une agence matrimoniale… les conclusions du site peuvent éventuellement servir =P.

  60. Everytime I think about a life drawing class, I am reminded of your tales of Jack. I think that’s part of why I have never done it. The idea of a naked old dude, well, it’s just not a good image.

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  62. Yeah, it’s a luxury that I probably wouldn’t have bought myself but I love now I have it. The monthly subscription pays for replacement filter and UV light to keep the water pure – similar to how you have to replace a filter jug I guess. It doesn’t pay for itself in bottled mineral water terms, but as a convenience it’s wonderful.

  63. kiss12-12-2008 hola,amantes de los maiden en lima apurarse com las entradas, ahh y para los amantes de deicide hoy en lima , el 21 oshiras y el19 de feb roger hugdson de supertramp el 2 de feb james blunt y el 25 de feb back street boys puro pop en lima si a alguno les interesa estos grupos vengan seran bien recibidos ahhh simple red bye

  64. Scusatemi, qual è la differenza tra un alieno e dio?Sicuramente non sarà così, ma a me pare una sciocca provocazione. E' ovvio che Dio, se esiste, è posto in un piano metafisico, e quindi la sua esistenza (come del resto quella dello stesso piano metafisico) è empiricamente indimostrabile. Quindi credere in Dio come non crederci è un atto di fede. Gli alieni invece farebbero parte del piano fisico, e quindi la loro esistenza può essere scientificamente indagata.

  65. Ship Breaker is “a thousand times more fun to read” than the Wind-Up Girl? C’mon…I agree with the punches pulled there was something lacking. But then again, YA just isn’t up my alley. There always seems to be less depth, less character development, and less emotion. Other than blockbusters like The Hunger Games and Harry Potter, I generally stick with adult fiction, saving the lighter works for my commute in audio form.

  66. Jos kiinnostaa lähteä kertomaan poliitikoille ja byrokraateille, että ne ovat ihan tyhmiä, niin liittykää toki seuraani. 11.1. voisi olla aika hyvä päivä miekkarille eduskuntatalon edessä pakurin puolesta.Loin aiheesta threadin Mielenilmaus pakurin puolesta.

  67. …. Then this morning in Joni's devotional book, her concluding statement was, "The mature Christian holds a sober and circumspect view of the world. A view that deeply possesses an eternal perspective on all things, all people. Having a wellspring of joy in his or her heart, this Christian is a serious person. Reflective. Compassionate. Merciful….

  68. Kiitos mainiosta reseptistä. Tästä on varmasti iloa pitkäksi aikaa sekä tällaisena että muunneltuna. Hekumoin jo pekonin lisäämisellä :)Yleensä syön avokadoa leivän päällä kera tomaatin ja mustapippurin tai sitten munakkaan täytteenä, joten on kiva käyttää muutenkin.Meillä tästä tykkäsivät lapset ja aikuiset. Kiitos vielä!

  69. Thanks for your post. I’d pre­fer to say that the price of car insur­ance dif­fers from one insur­ance pol­icy to another, for the rea­son that there are so many dif­fer­ent issues which con­tribute to the over­all cost. One exam­ple is, the make and model of the car will have a large bear­ing on the cost. A reli­able old fam­ily auto will have an inex­pen­sive pre­mium than a flashy expen­sive car.

  70. I love Trader Joes and could not wait until it came to my town. However, I feel bad that this wonderful store sells meat with antibiotics. I always thought all the food bought there was healthy but I am starting to pay more attention to labels. Sunflower has some meat without antibiotics or hormones. Trader Joe, change your policies.

  71. (Author) 25.01.2010 at 11:52 pm · Olá kilson, Olha, acho que acontece bastante coisa aí no Rio, viu… estivemos por aí no final do ano passado, conversando com o pessoal da Maré e do Viva Favela. Foram ótimos encontros, que já renderam bons frutos. Fique de olho, e procure a galera da Maré, do Viva Favela e tantos outros bons projetos que existem por aí. Abraço!

  72. Autrement dit, toute cette histoire a été inventée par les hommes pour restreindre, étouffer dans l’oeuf la sexualité des femmes et contrôler la reproduction de leur rejetons…Pis après utiliser tous les moyens possibles pour bien vous brainwasher…. Ce qui inclus les contes, les romans, les chansons, etc. Écrit par des hommes dans la très grande majorité (historiquement). Reste plus qu’à vous culpabiliser de pas être «conforme» aux normes édictées, et le tour est joué!On a déjà eu cette discussion…

  73. déc06Marie-Claude Quelle joie d’apprendre la venue d’Even! Je vous embrasse tous les trois et vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur! J’ai hate de te voir petit bout.

  74. Possum,So, while the briefing is in fact cutting costs in the area of class size, what you are saying is that the money saved will be moved elsewhere in the education system? Hence, overall this should not be viewed as a cost cutting exercise, just a redirection of funding?Sounds reasonable to me. So long as the education budget at the end of the year is no lower that the previous year, then costs have not been cut.What do you think “value- add data” refers to, and do you tihnk a more professionalised workforce means they will be investing more in teacher training and professional development?

  75. Bu gün sizlere internetten nasıl ek gelir getirebilirsiniz onun açıklamasını yapmaya çalışacağım. Sanal alemde ek gelir demi olurmuş arakdaş deyip geçmeyin sonunda aldığınız para tamamen gerçek. Sim networking ile ek gelir kazanmanın güzel yanı ise bu yolun zahmetsiz olmasıdır. Geçenlerde bir arkadaşım çok prestijli bir bankada ki işini bırakıp sim networking işini ana işi olarak benimsediğinden bahsetti. Bende açıkçası merak ettim nedir bu sim networking ile ek iş ek gelir fırsatı diye ve sizler için buldum.

  76. It may be true that modern society can replace 5% per year, but the past society had stuf that was designed to be repaired, so 20% may be damaged, but not all was lost.Example 1 : a wooden house gets blown apart from a tornado, you still have the wood and bricks. With a bunch of nails and some creativity you can rebuild a shelterExample 2 : a Vinyl buolding is blown to pieces. Try building a house from the scraps.

  77. Muy interesante!!Con tu calculo: si añado el gasto de un papel (ignoro la electricidad, local y todo esto y no añado beneficio) me da 0.087666.Crees que puedo considerar que ese es el es coste, en el mercado, de imprimir sin planificación?? Crees que puedo equiparar este dato al coste por copia domèstico medio??El dato que quisiera saber és, cuanto se gasta de media por copia alguien que imprime una copia en su casa.

  78. Hi Sweetie~What a cool market and how nice to meet up with Zoe. You crack me up with the air hung heavy with German sausage, dirty mind I have. The parcel from Helga looks friggin FAB I am loving whatever that purple lovliness is.BUT MY GOD that leather trench brings me to my knees!!! Leather is your second skin and no one does it better than you, your look smoking HOT! Love the quote from the book about Walsall and I want nothing more than to pay your lil town a visit!missingyou~Krista

  79. I just could not leave your website before suggesting that I actually enjoyed the usual info an individual supply in your visitors? Is gonna be back continuously to investigate cross-check new posts

  80. Azt beláthatod, hogy egy prémium ebike tervezésénél, nem az volt a német mérnökök szempontja, hogy Budapesten, hogy tudod tárolni a kerékpárt.Nekik nem szempont, hogy itt “lelopják a lábadról a görkorit” és egy lakóház belsÅ‘ udvarán nem hagyhatod ott a bicajt, mert egy idÅ‘ után lábakél. A fizetÅ‘képes piacuk, amit becéloztak, Nyugat-Európa. Ráadásul elég sportos üléspozíciójú ez a bicaj, akinek ez kényelmes az tudjon már felcipelni 20kilót a lépcsÅ‘l, szerintem.

  81. Jenn.. I so thought of you when they showed that scene last night !! I was pissed … i have been on top of this since the night Scott was killed… Just broke my heart… I so know his parents pain..and YEPPERS.. being a PBCounty person I know all about Goodmans antics..FROSTY from Wendys my ass.. everyone here knows what a ‘frosty’ really is…..

  82. Early voting started several weeks ago in Nebraska. And according to the news here, the early voting is up quite a bit.I voted early, and I don’t think that I have to tell you who I voted for.I am praying for the undecided to get their heads cut in and realize just how much we are in the loo, and it will only take a small tap on the handle to flush us little turds down into the abyss.Go get em’ Mr. Fred and the Mrs. at the polls.

  83. 2c4This is really an excellent thread i uncovered because of google and yahoo. My wife and I benefit from together with you and that i would wish to learn with this topic area present in an alternative newly released posting for those who have time for you to inform us in which. I believe you’ll make it again obvious alot more within your second posting that i’m genuinely anticipating it. Honestly expecting it all. Many thanks.

  84. falando por mim, não. Sou licenciado em História, mas não “historiador profissional”.Quanto às navegações no Atlântico: existem várias provas da presença de romanos, fenícios e cartagineses no Atlântico e na América. Mas não de regresso… Moedas, inscrições, todas testemunha chegadas, mas regressos… nicles!

  85. AnonymousMay 20, 2006 at 9:31 pmAs a lifelong Liverpool fan who was at Cardiff to celebrate our own messiah Stevie G last weekend I am pleased to see Henry sign up again – he truly is world class and would love him in our side – unlucky last week we were all behind you and I personaly thought you deserved to win it a couple of seasons ago when your football was quite simply breathtaking – good luck for the future in your new home – as long as you finish behind us of course !!

  86. Never apologise for a comma. I use them liberally.That’s a noble plan. I am useless at getting up early without a reason imposed by someone else. When I have to start work at 6am or 7am, I’m up without a snooze because I’ve set my alarm for the latest time possible, but otherwise, I’ll snooze until the alarm gives up.

  87. Coronel:Pode ninguém acreditar, mas o Brasil pode dar o bafo final e sabe por quê?Estamos tendo um aumento forte de financiamentos. Agora na Páscoa, vimos que até ovo de chocolate foi financiado em três e mais parcelas e isso é muito estranho. A explicação é que o próprio mercado tem interesse em financiar. Eles embutem juros nos produtos e o consumidor não tem visibilidade disso.

  88. Mirko, jestli jste měla z mého příspěvku dojem, že pojednává o Číně nebo o Paroubkovi, tak jste bohužel nepochopila jeho význam. Paroubkova valorizace je právě ten důvod, proč dnes potřebujeme reformy. Ještě Vaši vnuci budou ze svých daní splácet Paroubkovy valorizace. Další takové plýtvání už ekonomika této země neustojí.

  89. Para quem trabalha de facto e desde há muito o tal Marcelino?A resposta a esta questão explicará tudo.Obrigará também a rever de alto a baixo todo o processo da exploração política do caso Casa PIA.Mais não digo por agora a não ser que venha a ser necessário.A conspiração contra Cavaco ou pára já ou haverá consequências para si Sr.José S.

  90. (nous sommes d’accord (sauf pour vos nombreuses fautes d’orthographe !) et merci de me soutenir)c’est quoi çades gens qui ecivent et parle une deuxiéme ou voir 3 ou 4 lagues vous dérange, participé a un débat n’oublige personne a maîtriser une langue et moi je vois que c’est une richesse de comprendre l’autre dans sa langue même si je la maitrise pas et puis il n ya pas que le françsais dans cet univert et vous esque vous maitriser une autre langue parfaitement que la votre

  91. By 1 September, 2008 – 17:00When I arrived on Thursday, that list had stickers for newbie, available, maybe, not available, pirate, goth and poly, and the orange sticker had no description so I wrote flirtblind.I knew it would and had grown because I was looking at badges and not knowing what combinations meant (but with a list that size, it’d be difficult at best to remember them *all*!) but I was actually surprised at the extent of the growth this morning when I finally remembered to go add things to my badge. I’m sure it’s bigger than last year’s!

  92. my brother got selected to tulasi news he rejected the offer because they hav askd him to sign a bond for 2.5 years and with a salary of just 7k after training.if he breaks the bond he needs to pay 75k and moreover he has to submit the original certificates.he will get ajcked if the originals are submitted so he rejected the offer.

  93. The next time I learn a weblog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as significantly as this 1. I mean, I do know it was my choice to read, nonetheless I truly thought youd have something attention-grabbing to say. All I hear can be a bunch of whining about something which you could fix for those that werent too busy in search of attention. 325846

  94. Ilan,You're talking about an effort to convert millions of people, many in insular communities, some who barely speak the language of the land… and who are fundamentally resistant to any such efforts.And doing so fast enough to beat both a high birth rate and immigration. It's not likely to do anything more than make a minor dent.And considering how much money the Saudis have put into promoting Islam, it wouldn't likely even result in a net gain.

  95. Undeniably believe that which you sttaed. Your favorite justification appeared to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while people think about worries that they just don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  96. Our boar is in with our females all the time. He looks like he is talking at the piglets sometimes his nose down in the middle of them grunting at them. He has even excepted my pom dog as a piglet. The pom goes out to play with baby pigs every day and the boar does nothing to him. So I guess it is the temperment of the boar.

  97. It’s weird how the best relationships make you feel the most insecure. Sometimes I wonder if God designed it that way on purpose — if He intended us to be attracted to people who would rub on our deepest wounds, so that we could recognize them and find healing. “Bring your brokenness to the table.” This is what my husband and I have agreed to do when we have arguments, when both of our insecurities are flaring. Honestly, this is the only way out of the trap of insecurity. The hardest part is that it’s always easier to see the other person’s brokenness than it is to see our own.

  98. Où avez vous vu qu’en Angleterre la médecine préventive est si efficace? Pour connaître un peu le système britannique je sais très bien qu’il n’en est rien (en Allemagne peut-être, je n’en ai pas d’expérience). Mais je sais aussi que ça fait très branché d’affirmer, quoi qu’on en sache, qu’ailleurs c’est toujours mieux qu’ici.

  99. I beg to disagree with you. I know for sure, having passed througt it before, that many Nigerians, including higher degree holders are living “by the grace of God”. There are many Nigerians with certificates who are mostly teaching in private schools (primary and seconday) who still earn about N10,000 which is far less than USD100 or even below per month. Such people litter everywhere in the country. So, seeing INEC job, which is a FG job they consider it a big opportunity for a relief and hence the huge applications. The truth is that the few rich are far from the reality on ground.

  100. Decorating ideas by Martha. They were all pom poms. I died. I made a bunch of white poms for my Christmas tree. Then I made a bunch of poms for winter hats. Then I made more poms for my Christmas tree this

  101. domestica:No, io sono una 25, è il mio lui che fa i QSO. In CW!!!facile la vita, eh? lui si diverte e la parte noiosa la fai te? O_Ola voglio anch'io una assistente così!! :)(a dir la verità ce l'ho e mi segue in tante avventure, anche se il settore, radiantisticamente parlando, è un altro, non il CW in HF 😀 )

  102. Hola, me parece una idea estupenda pero me surgen dudas sobre las licencias que te puedan permitir hacerlo, quien puede certificar y firmar para la realización y sobre cuanto tiempo puedes utilizar las botellas en la estructura, puesto que se deterioraran con el tiempo.Si alguien puede contestar por favor, me interesa mucho para implantarlo en un proyecto.Gracias

  103. Важно быть в нужном месте в нужное время, а также среди тех людей кто помогает двигаться вверх к напровлению моей цели. Первый выбрал первых,а это значит мы все в правильном месте. Удачи всем на этом поприще!!!

  104. I’m 15 and I lurve One Direction. I think if you truly love 1D you gotta back off. Don’t send their girlfriends death threats, coz’ that’s Liam and Danielle broke up. And all 1D fans know how much that devastated him, so please, respect their feelings. And most of the girls who do that sort of stuff are around 11-12 and they have the maturity level of around 5. So guys, just back off, k?

  105. Nu har jeg prøvet at bage denne kage her til eftermiddag, den ser jo såååå lækker ud Men min kage er ikke blevet helt tilfredsstillende og jeg kan ikke helt forstå det, for jeg har fulgt opskriften til punkt og prikke.Min kage ville simpelthen ikke blive færdigbagt i midten, gav den 40 min i ovnen, hvilket resulterede i en meget brun og hård kant, men en helt rå midte?Derudover er den virkelig sød, er det meningen at der skal være næsten lige meget sukker og mel i?

  106. Me gusta la descripción, inmagino, cómo podría ser el interior de los coches o carretas, con esos almohadones y llevadas por caballos.Seguramente el calor era insoportable por lo que describe; pero la alusión a un pensamiento de un pasaje bíblico, nada que ver, con lo que podría ser un viaje al sahara, o a cualquier país árabe.

  107. В даташите всё описанно 🙂 Удвоить нельзя помоему, может 20% даст улучшения, и снижение сопротивления источника тока. Там есть суммарное ограничение тока порта и контроллера, оно намного ниже чем допустимая мощность каждой ноги. Несинхронное переключение даст массу глюков, проще транзистор прилепить помоему и будет хоть 80 мА, хоть 80 ампер 🙂

  108. These shoes have made my knees worse, instead of better. Yes, they did tone my inner thighs quite significantly, and my calves. BUT Caveat Emptor, I have had INCREASED knee pain and injury from these sneakers. They are comfortable as anything….but I have patella subluxation on my left leg, and my right knee has little meniscus tears PLUS the subluxation. They don’t warn you about the knee issues. I got them because the key to healthy knees is strengthening your quad muscles but. continued

  109. Ich oute mich mal als derjenige, mit dem sehr untypischen Weihnachtsmotiv. Hab letztens am Weg zur Arbeit kurz halt gemacht, weil mir der Sonnenaufgang über den herbstlichen Weinbergen so gefallen hat. Hab diese Handyapp zum ersten Mal ausprobiert und hoffe, die Postkarte sieht halbwegs nach was aus – immerhin gabs einen passenden Kaffeetassenrand als Hintergrundmotiv Den Tippfehler bei deinem Namen hab ich leider erst bemerkt, als es schon zu spät war :-/Lg, Thomas

  110. Non è un caso che SE si va al cinema, accanto agli sconosciuti ci si mette sempre mio marito, perchè altrimenti io ci litigo: il bambino che non sta fermo, i ragazzini che chiacchierano … e se non si può fare altrimenti, volano gomitate per farmi stare queta Certo però che se la gente rispettasse un goccio (non dico tanto, eh) le persone che gli stanno accanto, magari anche il solo guardarsi un film sul grande schermo, sarebbe una goduria al 100%

  111. Glad you lived to tell the story, Jacque. You wonder how someone with bedside manners that bad could make it through medical school, and how that kind of diagnostic mistake can happen, but I know it does, a lot more frequently than you’d think.

  112. ibergoWuziwug,Var ude for noget underligt i aften: Gentagne gange sagde den, at INKA ikke fandtes i spillet. Prøvede mange gange. De andre pÃ¥ pludr sagde, at jeg skulle refresh’e. Prøvede det. Herefter sagede den, at jeg allerede havde gættet ordet. Næste gang, jeg ser det, skal du nok fÃ¥ et screendump, men det var altsÃ¥ meget mystisk…/ibergo

  113. Diky, urcite ti najdu. Hlavni vjezd = od lesa po panelove ceste, pokud si vzpominam?Depronaka teda vezmu, ikdyz je to bezkonkurencne moje nejosklivejsi a nejnudnejsi letadlo. Ale jako ukazka “co jeste muze litat” to snad poslouzi.Jak je to spovrchem? Hrbolatost a posekanost? Uvazoval jsem o trimotoraku, ale on ma dost vzadu podvozek a zakopava, takze vyzaduje nadprumerny povrch (coz pri momentalni rychlosti rustu travy muze byt problem). Pokud nebude “glofovy hriste” tak radeji vezmu neco jinyho.

  114. Aline comentou em 19 de agosto de 2011 às 17:41. Oi Júlia!!!Posso tirar uma dúvida? Tenho um casamento para ir no final da tarde, comprei um vestido roxo curto…minha dúvida? o lugar é tipo uma casa de campo, com grama, que sapato usar? de que cor?Como sempre, linda! Bjos!

  115. Ah ben je ne savais pas pour iDTGV mais à posteriori ça explique pas mal de choses! Sinon le zen/zap je suis d’accord avec toi mais j’imagine que c’est difficile à traduire en termes commerciaux…PS: je crois que moi aussi j’aurai pleuré si on menaçait de me couper la tête: mauvais souvenirs de la reine de coeur …

  116. Hi You "the annonymous Team",Not sure yet if I'm in favour or quite not so in regard to these latest changes … but I'll sure know very soon.Just why does the guy in the video act so tense and silly – looks like he's embarrassed and near to apologizing for the changes on YouTube. Guess he's supposed to reflect the uncertainty that we users feel ..(?) Poor tactic,in my opinion. I would have prefered to see someone who looks 100% confident about the changes and with a definite and assuring and calm way of presenting it.Best regards from me (as in "ThisIsMe)

  117. le problème, c’est qu’elle est seule.Vous disposez d’un bien à St Ouen, vous voulez déménager, vous ne pouvez pas habiter ailleurs. Finalement, c’est vrai que c’est une atteinte au droit de propriété : 50m2 à St Ouen font 20m2 à Paris. Vous êtes donc prisonnier de cette ville, si vous restez dans la région.C’est à l’Etat de mettre ça en place.

  118. Really good piece Rowan.It is clear from you observations that changing the names of these regulatory authorities does nothing to increase their effectiveness and not doubt costs a small fortune to impliment. I suspect their main purpose is to merely to exist in an effort to convince us there is adequate regulatory control in the financial sector.

  119. Aimee Jorani Very helpful post. I deleted my personal facebook account that was linked to an older business page. I opened up a new business page directly and find using it like this a little more problematic. I am hoping you can help. 1. I didn’t mean to link my notes page to my business page, so I am not able to write any notes, is there a way to reverse this? 2. When I comment directly on a page that I liked, my name does not show up, there is no image and name to my post. How can I change this? Thank you.

  120. احتمال باز نبودن پرت ها هست دقت کنید کسی بتونه به شما وصل بشه در کو آپ یعنی پرتتون بازه اگه کسی نمیتونه مشکلا از پرت های شما یا فایر والی که ای اس پی داره هست.

  121. chevron should understand that, the k s endeavour drilling which flamed 16 jan. 2012 do not affect only 8 communities. But also the crude floated to other communities, specifically, konzitei ama communty which is located at middleto.n sea entrance. The community is waiting hear how mindfull chevron is!

  122. Dear GollumGood that you are able to post comments. It probably was Murray Douglas who ran the shop at Lake Benmore. I must admit I never heard about him flying model aircrafts.Yes, that photo of a climb of the South Face of Douglas would have been Jan 1973 with Aat Vervorn, Jim Strang. Colin Dodge and Etienne Kummar. A wonderful climb that was. With my new knees I night have a crack at it this summer. Thanks for visiting.Bob

  123. Da,stimata doamna.D-voastra aveti dreptul,nu si ca ati avea nevoie de aprobarea cuiva,sa continuati sa perpetuati votul negativ pentru a plati polite(s-ar putea sa fi interpretat gresit mesajul d-voastra si daca da atunci imi cer scuze).Dar eu ma incapatanez sa sustin ca este timpul sa schimbam si “maria nu doar palaria”,adica intreaga clasa politica,ce m-a dezamagit si pe mine ca si pe d-voastra.

  124. Hello Chris, how are you. We have SBA 7a loan, looking at your video now it seems like it was bad decision to take that loan and it is. Since we are already mess-up, is there any help for us to modification of loan get the lien release because we have two separate properties tie down with this SBA loan as collaterals. We have this loan from last 5 year and showing profit each year. Please e-mail or post the solution for our problems if possible. We would appreciate your help.

  125. This specific bit of devices was designed to support athletes bolster their foot reducing reduce limbs although however offering convenience and in addition defense on their energy education and likewise conditioning workout routines.Inches Adidas gives a diversified amount of tennis sneakers too as other elements for all sorts connected with sporting activities athletes.

  126. He's not privatizing it. Privatizing it would be a transition from government to private. Right now the transition is from government to Russian government. There are also things that are within the legitimate purview of government. Space exploration is one of them. Private companies are not going to be able to do much more than provide a basic means of getting to low earth orbit.

  127. Such a cute outfit V! I have those jeans, too, and I find that they stretch out a LOT, to the point that I could have gone a size down, which is never a bad thing! Ha. Bill was my favorite on the original Apprentice … I think I stopped watching after he won … never seen their show but his wife is lovely! I love grapefruit, it's one of my go-to foods for a healthy breakfast or snack.

  128. The combining of the Millbrae Caltrain route removes the possibility of taking Caltrain for some. I take Caltrain at a stop that is not on the Baby Bullet schedule. The schedules at this stop, when aligned with the Shuttle times, mean that in addition to the extra shuttle time I’m going to have to wait an extra hour in the AM and 30 minutes in the evening. Looks like I’, back to driving

  129. dit :Je l’adore! Je l’ai aussi en framboise n°13! C’est un gloss mais qui n’est ni pâteux ni collant glue c’est pourquoi l’homme approuve. Pour faciliter l’appli j’ai pris le crayon avec. Sinon pour Anna l’unique sur qui ça ne tient pas, les rouge à lèvres Peggy Sage (cerise ou griotte) son canons aussi. Des bisous les copinettes

  130. I loved as much as you will receive carried out right here. The sketch is attractive, your authored subject matter stylish. nonetheless, you command get bought an edginess over that you wish be delivering the following. unwell unquestionably come further formerly again as exactly the same nearly very often inside case you shield this hike.

  131. 9e7aekaterin:c174Марианна, ну да, с военным особо не поспоришь У нас немного другая ситуация, так что мое решение можно было и в такой форме донести.d5

  132. Gratulálok, nagyon igényes, gusztusos,amit csomagoltál! Magam is hasonló módon szoktam, igaz a dobozom Kanadából való. Ami elgondolkodtató, hogy ha a munkahelyemen körülnézek, csak az igénytelenséget látom, mert van aki a papírból csipegeti ki a hentesnél vásárolt töpörtyűt vagy szalámit. Van aki hozat kaját, majd a mikrózás után állva kapkodja be a kaját. Gondolhatod, akkor a gyermekének mit csomagol.Éva

  133. sa gaona hay q probarlo un vez mas aver si rinde como la otra vez juego bien hay q darle chance y q se emocione cuando juege por q el FUTBOL ES PARA DIVERTIRSE!Martin Lencina via Facebook 18/09/2010 15:21tiene qe ser titular papa!!1 Deje un comentarioNombre (requerido)Email(requerido)Web

  134. Bob and Maragret you both have been such a blessing to my family over the years and we need your love and prayers more than ever. I am requesting prayer for God’s protection for all of us! I gave a $500.00 donation to The Lord’s Kitchen in honor Gina Collins it was one of her great loves to serve there. Iam going to donate a $100 each month in her honor! Love You All God Bless You and prosper you Have Wonderful Blessed Thanksgiving!! Alice Journey Sebast

  135. am un bebe de 4 luni si a fost diagnosticat cu retard psiho motor de un dr neuropsihiatru si mi-a recomandat un complex de vitamine injectabile(10 injectii pe luna timp de 3 luni).medicul de familie a refuzat sa imi dea reteta spunand ca nu are retard pt ca deja a inceput sa stea in fundulet,se intoarce de pe o parte pe alta,isi tine gatul,ia singur jucaria .dumneavoastra ce parere aveti?va rog din suflet sa imi spuneti o parere.multumesc

  136. Nosphie, acho que você tem razão em muito que disse. Há ainda muitos blogs dedicados a passar formulinhas de sucesso, de virar problogger e o cacete a quatro. Por sorte ainda há os que se salvam da mesmisse, independente do tamanho e da intenção – como em qualquer mídia.Tem uma galera deslumbrada (e outra revoltada) com o potencial a atenção que os blogs estão recebendo. Mas tento pensar positivo e que daqui a algum tempo essa poeira toda vai baixar (ao menos um pouco).PS: Eu ficaria sem engenheiros

  137. Hey Davey mate, I know your having problems………but don’t forget yer old buddies on the blog, we all miss your company and will help you forget your problems ………..Hey up Graham mate, only one more day to go and you can say goodbye to that wisdom tooth ……………what times your appointment 2-30? (haha! get it? TOOTH HURTIE! ) …………sorry, Graham bad joke mate, but we’ll all be rooting for ya (sorry again) and hoping that your back on Amanda’s phoneline very soon.

  138. It was a phenomenal testimony! I do hope that, someday, you are moved to write it up and share with an even broader audience! I’ve told some people about the conference, and I’ve been unequivocally saying that my favorite part of the whole conference was the presentation you gave on Radical Acts — partly because of that incredible testimony you shared! I’ve also told people that I wasn’t comfortable sharing any of the details of your testimony, since it really isn’t mine to share, but I would add “suffice it to say… it was a really powerful one!” I’m so glad I was there to hear it!  |  

  139. Kate – Yum! I just made this for Thanksgiving tomorrow and it tastes great…. however I must have done something a bit funny, it has HUGE cracks in it! I will try it again sometime and see what I can do to make it better. I swear I tried to beat it sparingly! My family will love it, esp. when the cracks are covered in whipped cream! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Thanks for sharing the recipe.[]

  140. sep05Carla Benny (o debería decir “amigo… “),de acuerdo contigo en el hecho que todos actuamos como agentes económicos.Sólo dos preguntas: Con respecto a esta frase: “Los agentes sí maximizan su utilidad.”, dirías que está condicionada a su entorno? Segunda pregunta: Aqui en Lima tambien tiendes tu cama y limpias tu cuarto??? saludos,Carla

  141. SilverRain: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about laughing at ourselves.”I beg to differ. I have never, not once, read a single post or comment of yours anywhere ever that entailed laughing at ourselves. You are, in my worthless estimation, one of the most humorless people I have ever encountered on the internet. Don’t get me wrong, you’re perfectly pleasant and at times quite uplifting, but laughter is not your strong suit.

  142. In Psalm 22 in particular we see the suffering David who typifies the suffering Christ on the cross. The very first verse was quoted by the Lord Jesus on the cross when He said, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? In this Psalm we see David’s description of his suffering – which was turned by God at one point in a description of Christ’s suffering and even a praising towards God. While David was speaking, God came in to speak in his speaking.

  143. Boudou sigue siendo el mejor porque no puede ser reelegido.por eso lo atacan la opo. En cuanto la justicia lo exima de las mentiras de la opo, empezara a tenerse en cuanta su estatizacion delas afjp, lo mas grande de esto2 gobiernos K , despues de la reestructuracion de la deuda de Nestor.

  144. This is so awesome – I’ll definitely have to try this! I’d actually adore to have my pets around my neck. Your friends are lucky to have a friend like you who thinks of such personal, awesome gifts!

  145. Hi Aaron,I loved reading your story and have recently bought 101 Ways to Make Friends. I am an Independent Facilitator working in Kitchener, Ontario. I am also a Connector with a PLAN affiliate, a mother of two daughters (one who is 20 and has several labels), visual art educated and working on becoming a better graphic facilitator. I’ll be checking in with you from time to time to learn more about what you do and how I can grow in my craft(s). Thanks for doing what you do.Wendy

  146. That is very fascinating, You are an excessively skilled blogger. I have joined your rss feed and sit up for seeking extra of your magnificent post. Additionally, I’ve shared your site in my social networks!

  147. Giuseppe Gran!Felicitacions pel seu èxit i, per descomptat, gràcies per la cita!!L’èxit del teu bloc, però, EXCLUSIVAMENT es deu a la professionalitat que vostè posa en els seus articles i la constant nell’aggiornarli! I els lectors, Com es pot veure, apreciar!Felicitats de nou!

  148. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

  149. 29 mars 2007‘Immobile’ reste un des mes trois albums en francais préférés même si le groupe était, pour moi, décevant live.L’album solo de Valérie Leulliot m’a franchement déçu, peut-être parce que j’en attendai trop donc je n’ai pas pris de place pour les concerts. Avec quelques regrets…

  150. > Biscator, Ma foi oui, cela m’a semblé étrange. Je sais encore l’alphabet et, sur les rayons, à la lettre L, point de Leblanc ce jour-là.A l’accueil, un vendeur sympathique a consulté son ordinateur : plus d’Arsène en stock. Mais on peut le commander…etc. …Je me suis consolé avec l’intégrale des polars de Manchette, pour me rajeunir de quelques décennies. C’est pas chez « Bouquins » mais ça y ressemble un peu. Et puis le vendeur, comme j’avais laissé pas mal de pognon, s’est fendu d’un Jim Harrison… Que je lirai un jour sans doute.

  151. La verdad…¡Te felicito!¡La mejor onda para que todo tu esfuerzo y el de los que te acompañan en esta cruzada, sean recompensados!Pero cuídate todavia! Hay muchos a los que no les conviene que se sepa lo que están ventilando…Un besoMaribe

  152. It’s a strategic move: Venezuela fast becoming a colony of China; Cuba slowly back to becoming a colony of the U. S.; and F. T. reporting on Venezuela from the Chinese viewpoint, but from Japan, with the New CC in Japanese for the time being….

  153. “5 wins would suffice if they play close games in their losses.” What???? You’re probably the new generation of parent who thinks in Little League Baseball that you shouldn’t keep score and all participants deserve a trophy. This is ridicoulous!! No coach deserves a 4th year if his first 3 years are losing records. This is the “ah shucks” mentality by the fan base for the last 50 years that had led to such a consistently crappy product. “It’s time for UK fans to raise their expectations”- Rich Brooks

  154. Wow, awesome blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your website is excellent, as well as the content!

  155. Thank you so much for writing about your experience in Peru. We sponsor a little girl in Peru through Compassion and I soak up any information I can find about her country. I am prayerful that the support we send each month can help beautiful Yaceli climb out of poverty and come to know Jesus Christ. Thanks for what you are doing there.

  156. asc dhamaan aqayaata somaliska ku xiran iyo shaqalaheda marka xigta waxaan leeyahay walalken linköping wuu qaldamey meel aan wax jirina wuu ka hadlayaa marka anakoon eeden ama rer waqoyina wax kasheegin bal aan ogaano waxuu shegayo teeda kale waa shaqsi kaliya haduu qaldamey ee yaan wax laga shegin rer waqoyi oodhan maxaa yeeley waa dad walaalahen ah hadaan nahay rer konfor waadna mahadsan tihiinU codee: 0  0

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  158. Valahogy arra hogy szavakban nem,de a háttérben eladták őket mint egy tál levest. Lásd iránt, két ország ugyan az a történet! Bár Irán esetén nem tudom hogy meddig vágják a jópofát az Európaiak szankciókhoz és ahhoz hogy dollár milliárdokat veszítenek a barackos elnök miatt, annál is inkább mert ha Európa nem akar gazdasági gondokat akkor a fellendülést nem az USA gazdaságától kéne várni.Tetszik / Egyetértek: 0 Az értékeléshez be kell

  159. The theory you put forward, Tara, is quite intriguing. And as I took a moment to think about how it applies to my life, I realized that I have no clue what my strengths, authentic talents are. Do you have any suggestion about how one could get in touch with one’s authentic gifts?[]

  160. I was about to correct you and say it was Sunday. I’ve been out of the loop for a few days. I guess I missed Sunday altogether. I got exactly the same result you did. When I tried answering a little differently, I got the same result.

  161. it sucks. Youtube what were you thinking. oh and this comment "While not everyone loved it, most people thought the new homepage was better than the old homepage."yeah I'm not stupid I bet no one liked it wheres the evidence and percentage of these so called most people that thought the new homepage was better.

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  168. [..YouTube..] I’m swedish and you’re right about the vehicles! I love Ahlgrens bilar, i really like the red boats too which also come in black with liquorice flavour. There are candy formula one cars, originally they are red (ferraris they are called) with “hallon” flavour but there’s also chocolate and stuff. The Polkagris is classic and gris actually means pig, I have no idea why it’s “Polkagris” though. Funny video!

  169. Una vez más, increíble.No sólo increíble, sino indignante, vergonzoso y una mierda. De verdad que no me creo que esto sea posible, y que digan que es justicia.En fin…no sé qué decir. Todo mi ánimo para la madre de Manuel.Un beso muy fuerteMercedes

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  171. If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you. 0Was this answer helpful?

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  178. The Finviz portfolio was not a real money portfolio I put together, but I did use it for idea generation as well as a short squeeze barometer.I am generally very reticent about sharing specific trades I make (once in awhile I will mention something on Twitter), because I always envisioned the blog as more of a learning vehicle than something that might be construed as a source of stock tips.In any event, 2009 is off to an excellent start for me, for both long and short positions. Cheers and good trading,-Bill

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  180. Man, get with the times, update the xbox to the 360 and pick up some Call of Duty: 4All I have to say about it is this – you get to play in a mission where you fly in a C130 gunship and rain all kinds of destruction on your foe.I’m just sayin.

  181. Eu acrescentaria uma definição que li num livro norte-americano, que dizia qq coisa do género (tradução livre): imobiliário comercial é qualquer imóvel em rendimento. No caso residencial, se estivermos a falar de mais do que "alguns" apartamentos, já se podem incluir nessa categoria… será um portfolio de imóveis residenciais!

  182. non per piaggeria , ma dalle persone in gamba si condivide anche il buon gusto per le cose "buone"….bella quella del "la nascondevo sotto una pila di Almanacchi di Topolino"……. per certe cose mi ero inventato dei nascondigli cosi cervellotici che poi finivo per dimenticare anche io……Beppe

  183. Hi Jackie,Wow! Look at all the comments! You’ve certainly written a post that resonates with a lot of people. The excuse I use the most is definitely “I haven’t got time”. I use it professionally and personally. I’m one week away from filing my taxes and I haven’t even looked at them. I have no excuse for not exercising and being overwhelmed is not a reason for not eliminating unnecessary tasks that I’m wasting my time on. Thanks for the kick in the butt that I need. Sherryl Perry recently posted..

  184. Today’s episode was the most convincing argument for homeschooling I’ve ever heard. I will never again be embarrassed by strangers criticizing us for homeschooling because our kid will not be “properly socialized”. Any chance Jack will feature a homeschooling episode to complement today’s broadcast? Any chance of a homeschool supplies sponsor with a discount for MSB?Current score: 1

  185. In your local Telephone book Look under the automobile section for auto glass, or it might be in the glass section under auto glass.A windshield is cheater to have replaced than side glass because it is made differently. Last time I had one replaced they came to the mall where I was shopping and installed it for $ 110. in the parking lot. It really is not a big deal to change.Hope this helpsGood luck.Doug

  186. AND CW, if what you reported in this section is not enough – I am sitting here watching c-span3 holding a hearing from yesterday by the House Homeland Security Committee chaired by Congressman King (R,NY) regarding an Iran and Hezbollah threat assessment. The 4 talking head witnesses are going blahblahblah assuring us all we are safe.MEANWHILE a Usurping Usurper from USURPERVILLE has snuck into our country and taken over everything that once made this country great.GOD,COUNTRY,HONOR,TRUTH (and last but not least) THE CONSTITUTIONAND THEY ALL KNOW IT!!

  187. Du post sur les gilets pare balles à celui sur le transit je retouve l’ambiance de la caravelle à saigon qui me faisait réver gamin. L’humour en plus.Je retrouve aussi une admiration que j’avais perdu quand quelques connaissances ont préféré dans leur trentaine devenir rédac chef à la gazette des cliniques ou aux chronique de l’assurance. L’humour en moins.Merci.

  188. You have mentioned very interesting details ! ps decent internet site. I didn at attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it. by Mark Twain.

  189. We tend to not separate the elements correctly as ‘attributes’ to study them. As I had to point out to one client who wanted to create a special ‘interface’ for podcasts…a podcast is simply a piece of content. Same as all the stuff on YouTube.What gets wrapped around that content to create an interaction is separate from the content itself. So a podcast is social media, what it’s not inherently is social interaction. That has to be built in (and is easily done so as a blog post — which is often how it’s leveraged).

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  191. Yes, BilB. Speaking from personal experience, as a child, whenever our family went to the Bellarine Peninsula for a holiday, I’d wander across the rocks on the headlands picking mussels and eating them raw. When I was about 10 my father told me I had to stop doing this because of concern that the mussels were contaminated by industrial pollutants in Port Phillip Bay. THat sort of message makes a bigger impression on a 10 year old who is now, er, on the cusp of a certain age cohort, than on a 30 or 40 year old who would now be about 70 or 80.

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  193. caro direttore ,se lei pensa che quella frase “e i pomodori” possa servire si è sbagliato di grosso e sà pure che se dovessimo commentare oculatamente il suo editoriale ci penserà la censura inglese ad evitare che si dica la verità o il pensiero sulle aziende costruttrici .Quindi il suo resta un bel monologo editoriale mentre per il cliente offeso dalla trascuratezza dei costruttori gli resta solo da piangere.Molto probabilmente ci vedremo arrivare i camper vuoti o con i pomodori marciti.Cordialmente ,pino

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  199. So true! I am always thinking the same thing when I turn on the radio and hear that the club just can’t handle me and that I should be brushing my teeth with jack daniels. Its glorifying binge drinking and making it sound like if you’re 20 and not wasted, you’re either saudi arabian or dead.

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  203. Zettel zu lesen, das ist Masochismus.Laßts ihn anglahnt, wie man bei uns in Wienistan früher sagte.In Zettels Zimmer findet man zwar manchmal geistreiche Kommentatoren, aber die sind dort am falschen Ort. Viel, viel besser wäre ein "Penseurs Raum", oder so ähnlich, eine schöne Bezeichnung dafür müßte man noch finden.Wobei ich leider annehmen muß, daß Penseur dafür (ständige Moderation nötig, das ist aufwendig) keine Zeit hat.

  204. Yet another issue is really that video gaming has become one of the all-time most important forms of excitement for people of various age groups. Kids participate in video games, plus adults do, too. The XBox 360 is probably the favorite gaming systems for many who love to have a lot of video games available to them, and also who like to experiment with live with other people all over the world. Thank you for sharing your opinions.

  205. Si los datos son veridicos, y estan publicados en un BOE PUBLICO, lo normal es que todo el mundo tenga acceso a la informacion contenida en el. Lo que se busca es lo de siempre “el derecho al olvido” cuando hago algo mal, cuando una sentencia me condena o cuando no me interesa lo que se publica de mi porque aunque sea verdad, no quedo muy bien. La solucion: no hagas cosas malas y no te tendras que avergonzar de ello.

  206. 29/10/2009 – 5:27pmHola!!!Nunca habia escrito, pero todos los dias entro a ver vuestras publicaciones. Me encantan las realidades que sacais a la luz, siempre con un tono de enfado-humor-irónico que es muy gratificante y divertido para el lector. Me gustaría ser parte de anti-marca y colaborar con ustedes. Se pueden hacer mas secciones?? Un saludo y seguir así!!!!1

  207. 1f2היי אפרת, אני שמח שאהבת את המערכון. ניסיתי לנסח את רעיונותי בנושא אך הם ארוכים ביותר. את מעלה סוגיות מעניינות. תודה על המאמר. אשמח לקרוא ולדעת יותר על חברות מטריאכליות. יצא לי לפגוש חברה כזאת בלוגו חו שבסין. מדובר באמת בצורת חיים חדשה(בשבילי) ומעניינת. תודה רבה,מתן.21